Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Is Eligible For Deferred Action?

In order to be eligible for Deferred Action you must:
  • Have entered the United States when you were younger than 16 years of age;
  • Have been in the United States for five years prior to June 15, 2012 (small trips outside of the United States for humanitarian reasons won't impact this requirement);
  • Be older than 15 to apply;
  • Not be older than 30 years of age;
  • Have either graduated from a high school or equivalent, enrolled in school or are a veteran of the United States military;
  • Submit to a background check and have a clean record without felonies, misdemeanors (other than maybe one or two small misdemeanors), or any evidence of you being a threat to the country.

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